“yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior.”
~ Habakkuk 3:18


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you care that the world that God has tenured you to live in right now just might be going through a rapidly accelerating change? Have you ever heard a guy or gal say, ‘what is this world coming to’? Do you think that things are changing on planet Earth? Do you think that there are more earthquakes today than what there used to be? Your grandpaa and grandmaa are living in a country – Guatemala, which literally just 26 years ago had thousands of guys, gals and kids killed by a killer earthquake. There was this week – on one day, three earthquakes in three different places – Japan, Alaska and Nebraska. Do you think that there are more volcanoes erupting today than what used to be erupting? Your grandpaa and grandmaa are living in a country which has three active volcanoes. Last week one of these volcanoes – Fuego, covered several of the towns that are located near it with a layer of black volcanic dust. Ecuador and Mexico both have volcanoes spewing out volcanic ash. Do you think that there are worst diseases today than there used to be? No one seems to be able to find a cure for AIDS. Guys and gals all over the United States fell victim this year to the West Nile virus. Do you think that there is more fighting going on around the world today than what there used to be? Fighting today has moved from countries trying to conquer each other or ethnic people group’s guys trying to eradicate other ethnic people group’s guys to where fighting today has a worldwide belief bent on killing the infidels from other worldwide beliefs. Because their Islamic beliefs are in a corrupted man, the worldwide Muslim community would like nothing more than to completely annihilate Judaic and Christ-follower communities whose beliefs are in a sinless Messiah Who Jews believe has yet to appear on planet Earth and Who Christ-followers believe has appeared and Who gives eternal life to any guy, gal or kid who believes in Him.

Your grandpaa believes that there are dynamic changes taking place on planet Earth today. Your grandpaa believes that changes in societal, cultural and norm values are happening overnight on planet Earth. Your grandpaa believes that God is now sending stronger and stronger signals day after day to every single guy and gal who is living on planet Earth to ‘sit up and take notice’. Your grandpaa knows that God ever since He created planet Earth has been sending signals to the guys and gals who He places on planet Earth. God has always been sending floods, earthquakes and plagues. God has always been having guys fighting other guys. Habakkuk knew that there was a day of calamity ahead for the Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids – God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids. Habakkuk – in Habakkuk 3, prayed a shigionoth`. A shigionoth is a wild, passionate kind of song that has rapid changes in rhythm. A shigionoth also could be like a dirge or a lament. The shigioinoth that Habukkuk prayed was a psalm or song – which God’s specially chosen guys and gals sang. Habukkuk was a contemporary of Jeremiah. Jeremiah was a God sent prophet spokesman to God’s specially chosen guys and gals who lived in Judah – which included Jerusalem. Have you ever had a really bad day – when nothing seems to go right? If you have had a really bad day – when nothings seemed to go right, did you start to think that your day just cannot get any worse than what it was – but then your day did get even worse? Your grandpaa has had days when nothing seemed to go right for him. Your grandpaa has had days when one thing that went wrong led to something else that would go wrong. What do you do when you have a day when nothing goes right for you?

You kids are growing up today in a universal world climate that is changing its’ technological, sociological and religiosity face every three to five years. Your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad and ma all grew up in a universal world climate that changed its’ technological, sociological and religiosity face every twenty years or so. You kids are growing up in a very fast changing world. You kids are going to grow up seeing God cause natural calamities to take place in real time throughout planet Earth. You kids are going to grow up seeing manmade calamities take place throughout planet Earth as these calamities unfold. You kids are going to grow up with danger all around you – as guys kill guys because of one guy’s understanding of a religious belief paradigm’s teaching regarding the need to do away with by whatever means possible the Judaic and Christ-follower belief paradigms. When your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad and Aunt Lynn were living in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad and Aunt Lynn experienced several times what life was like when an elected President was removed from office in coup. When there was a coup, your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad and Aunt Lynn had to obey a curfew. A curfew says that a guy, gal or kid could not be outside on the street after a certain time at night and before a certain time in the morning. How would you like living knowing that you would possibly be shot if you left your house at night? It was scary to live in Bolivia after a Bolivian President was overthrown. The God sent prophet spokesman Habakkuk could see that God was very angry with His specially chosen guys and gals who were living in Judah – which included Jerusalem. Habakkuk knew that God’s specially chosen guys and gals were being disobedient to how God wanted them to live their lives. Habakkuk reminds God in his prayer song that he knew about the awesome things that God had done. Habakkuk also reminds God in his prayer song that he knew what God does when He was angry with His specially chosen guys and gals. Habakkuk tells God that he feels scared but in verse 18, Habakkuk says, “yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior.” No matter how bad things get, pull a Habakkuk by trusting in God.

Habakkuk 3 (270)