“All your pomp has been brought down to the grave, along with the noise of your harps; maggots are spread out beneath you and worms cover you.
~ Isaiah 14:11


Hi James and Ellen,

If you had the opportunity to march in a demonstration or in a protest carrying placards – with some of the placards promoting war while other placards promote peace, what would your placards read? Would your placards say ‘fight for freedom’ or would your placards say ‘search for peace? Your grandpaa has a feeling that your placards would read ‘search for peace. Your grandpaa is pretty sure that you would look for ways to find a peaceful solution to a difficult situation instead of resolving a difficult situation by starting a fight where guys, gals and kids would be killed. There are guys and gals all over planet Earth today deciding to either carry a placard which reads ‘fight for freedom’ or a placard which reads ‘search for peace’. There are guys and guys all over planet Earth today deciding to either carry a placard which reads ‘fight Iraq before Iraq kills us’ or a placard which reads ‘search for peace with Iraq’. Do you think that the United States should or should not go to war with Iraq? Ask your dad what he thinks that the United States should do. Did your dad think that the United States should find a surgical solution to bring resolution to the tensions that some countries around planet Earth have with Iraq even though some guys, gals and kids may get killed or did your dad think that the United States should find a peaceful solution to bring resolution to the tensions that some countries around planet Earth have with Iraq so that no guy, gal or kid gets killed.

Do you know what the big deal is about Iraq? Iraq is not a large country. Iraq – land wise, is about the size of California. Iraq is located on the other side of planet Earth from where you are living with your dad and ma. Why do you think that guys and gals today are so apprehensive about Iraq? Why do you thing that guys and gals today are also so disquieted about Israel? Israel is the land that God about 4000 years ago promised His specially chosen guys and gals that they would always have to live in as their very own land. Israel and Iraq have been in the news a lot over the past number of years. Why do you think that Israel and Iraq have been in the news so much over the past several years? Even though Israel and Iraq do not have a common boarder, Iraq passionately detests Israel. From the time that Abraham lived on planet Earth – which was over 4000 years ago, guys and gals who are living in what is now known as Iraq but which was once known as Babylonia, really disliked the guys and gals who were living in the land where Abraham was living – which became known as Israel. Babylonia – about 2600 years ago, supplanted Assyria as planet Earth’s super power. While Babylonia was the super power on planet Earth, Babylonia overran the country of Judah and the city of Jerusalem. Judah was the southern kingdom of the land area that God gave to His specially chosen guys and gals to always to have to live in as their very own land. The city of Jerusalem was located in the land of Judah. God’s temple was located in the city of Jerusalem. The city of Jerusalem is also known as the City of David. When the Babylonian army entered the city of Jerusalem, the Babylonian army looted and razed God’s temple and . . . the Babylonian army took with them to Babylonia many of the guys and gals who were living in the land of Judah and in the city Jerusalem. How would you feel if a foreign country attacked the country where you are living, captured your country and took you away to their country to live? Iraq’s leader is a despot. Iraq’s despot will not hesitate to kill any guy who opposes him in order to remain as Iraq’s leader. Guys and gals in the meantime who are living today in Israel are just trying to survive from being killed. Israel’s neighbors today are Palestinians. The Palestine people group’s guys and gals today are descendants of the Philistine people group’s guys and gals. The land that God nearly 3500 years ago saw to it that it was returned to His specially chosen guys and gals to always to have to live in as their very own land, the Palestinian guys and gals think that the land is their land.

If your grandpaa was asked to carry a placard in a demonstration or in a protest for or against a war that has a probability of taking place in the Middle East – either in Iraq or in Israel, your grandpaa would carry a placard that would say ‘a holy war cannot be stopped’. Isaiah 14 is God’s forewarning of the ultimate destructions of Babylonia, Assyria and Palestine. God – as God the Spirit, breathed on Isaiah the words that are in verse 11 about Babylonia’s demise, “All your pomp has been brought down to the grave, along with the noise of your harps; maggots are spread out beneath you and worms cover you.” God made it clear though Isaiah about 100 years before Babylonia overran the country of Judah and the city of Jerusalem – ravaging Judah and Jerusalem and taking away many of God’s specially chosen guys and gals to their country, that He would one day return a remnant of His specially chosen guys and gals to the land that He had given them to always to have to live in as their very own land. Babylonia – which is now Iraq, was given a message from God – as God the Spirit – through Isaiah, telling the guys and gals who were living in Babylonia that He was going to one day totally wipe out Babylonia (Iraq). Babylonia (Iraq) has already been defeated once – by the Medes and the Persians. Your grandpaa thinks that there is still another day when the country of Iraq – which is typified as Lucifer’s lair, will be completely devastated by God. Before God razes Iraq, your grandpaa believes that God is going to allow the growth of the Islamic belief system as a wakeup call to every guy and gal who is living on planet Earth to get them to look to Him for answers – just as He did in the days of Isaiah. Your grandpaa knows that even though guys, gals and kids are killed in wars that God has preordained them.

Isaiah 14 (342)