“At this my body is racked with pain, pangs seize me, like those of a woman in labor; I am staggered by what I hear, I am bewildered by what I see.”
~ Isaiah 21:3


Hi James and Ellen,

Are you unforgiving kids? Are you vengeful kids? Are you bitter kids? Is your dad and/or ma unforgiving, vengeful and/or bitter parents? Do you know of a guy, gal or kid who is unforgiving, vengeful and/or bitter? Do you have to get back at another kid if the kid told a mistruth or a lie about you? Do you have to get back at another kid if the kid hit you? Do you have to get back at another kid if the kid is liked better than you by other kids? Does your dad and/or ma have to get back at a guy or gal who tells a mistruth or lies to him, her or them? Does your dad and/or ma have to get back at a guy or gal who has treated him, her or them unjustly? Does your dad and/or ma have to get back at a guy or gal who did not do what he or she had promised him, her or them that he or she would do for him, her and them? Your grandpaa at times feels unforgiving, vengeful and/or bitter. Your grandpaa knows missionaries who have told or fabricated mistruths or lies about him. Your grandpaa has never been struck by another missionary but he has felt at times that he has been punched in the stomach by another missionary when the missionary has verbally communicated that he or she does not think that your grandpaa has been supportive enough of him or her. Your grandpaa at times has felt jealous when other missionaries have gotten more attention than what he has been getting. What do you do when a kid tells a mistruth or a lie about you, when he or she hits you and/or when he or she is liked more than how you are liked by other kids? Have you ever told a mistruth or lie about a kid to your dad and/or ma, a teacher and/or another kid? Have you ever hit another kid because the kid took a toy of yours, pushed you and/or you did not like the kid? Have you ever not talked to a kid because you did not like the kid, because you thought that the kid had been mean to you and/or because your teacher liked the kid more than he or she liked you?

God can be very unforgiving, vengeful and/or bitter. God has given, gives and will give every guy, gal and kid who has been, is presently living and will be born on planet Earth the opportunity to personally know Him as his or her Father God. God chose Israel’s people group’s guys, gals and kids to be His show and tell people group of guys, gals and kids on planet Earth. God expected His specially chosen guys and gals – Israel’s people group’s guys and gals, to validate the new belief paradigm that He passed on to them through Moses – which was to only worship Him as their Heavenly Father instead of worshipping inanimate manmade things that were handmade from clay, wood, stone and metal. God’s specially chosen guys and gals would never internalize the new belief paradigm that God passed on to them through Moses because they never could completely get pass wanting to worship what the guys and gals worshipped who were living in neighboring countries and among area people groups. After God sent Himself – as God the Son and as an incarnate man to planet Earth to die on a cross, God – your Father God, began to check off the names that He had written in a special book that He has in heaven of all the guys, gals and kids who He specially elected to be His adopted kids before He created planet Earth and Who God – as God the Son, died for when He died on a cross and as He – your Father God, calls these guys, gals and kids back home to heaven to be with Him, with His Son – Jesus Christ, and with the angels and holy beings who He has worshipping Him in heaven.

God would not forgive, He would wrack vengeance, and He would act bitterly against the guys and gals who lived in the countries and people groups who constantly caused havoc against and killed His specially chosen guys and gals. An account of God’s plans to not forgive wrongdoing, for revenge and to act bitterly is in Isaiah 21. This prophetic account about what God was planning to do down the road to the guys and gals who lived in the countries and people groups who were . . . to His specially chosen guys and gals is backed up by what Daniel wrote in the book that God – as God the Spirit, breathed on him to write. Babylonia was one of the countries of guys and gals that would severely suffer from God’s unforgiveness, vengeance and bitterness. The Assyrian army first beat up the Babylonian army in 689 B.C. The Medes and Persians army would then beat up the Babylonian army in 539 B.C. The Dedanites – a nomadic tribal clan of guys and gals who lived in the land area of Arabia, were beat up by the Assyrian army around 732 B.C. The Dedanite and Babylonian guys and gals had to suffer God’s unforgiveness, vengeance and bitterness because they did not respect God’s specially chosen guys and gals. Even God’s specially chosen guys and gals had to suffer God’s unforgiveness, vengeance and bitterness because they did not do what He unreservedly expected them to do in worshipping only Him. God’s unforgiveness, vengeance and bitterness is explained in verse 3, “At this my body is racked with pain, pangs seize me, like those of a woman in labor; I am staggered by what I hear, I am bewildered by what I see.” It is obvious that to not give God the respect and honor that is due Him and to not worship Him as He expects to be worshipped will lead to dire, awful things happening. There may be a reason for your grandpaa – or for you, to seek personal vindication for something that has happened but is it a fight that your grandpaa – or you, really want to make when our Father God is completely capable of fighting our battles for us? Your grandpaa fears that he will incur his Father God’s wrath on him if he ever decides to be unforgiving, take vengeance in his own hands and/or act bitterly towards a guy, gal or kid. Your grandpaa knows that God – as God the Spirit, has over and over again said through guys who your Father God chose to be His spokesmen for Him that He will forgive, vindicate and love His specially elected guys, gals and kids if they will . . .

Isaiah 21 (509)