“The earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statues and broken the everlasting covenant.”
~ Isaiah 24:5


Hi James and Ellen,

Are you ready for the last day for life to exist that you know it to be like on planet Earth? Are you ready for a sudden barrage of floods and earthquakes that will signal the end of life that you know it to be like on planet Earth? God has given copious warnings of this imminent doomsday. God – as God the Spirit, breathed on Isaiah – in what is now Isaiah 24, hints of what it is going to be like on that day when life as you know it to be like on planet Earth will abruptly come to a screeching halt. Planet Earth will be totally devastated and despoiled by God. Every guy, gal and kid who will be living on planet Earth on this impending judgment day will equally suffer God’s wrath. There will be no social distinctions. Priests and pastors will suffer just as much as their flocks of parishioners. Slave and business owners will suffer just as much as their slaves and employees. Doctors and merchants will suffer just as much as their patients and customers. Money lenders and bankers will suffer just as much as their borrowers and investors. Debtors will suffer just as much as their creditors. Maids and housewives will suffer alike. Why do you think that God would ever want to totally ravish His magnificent creation by causing it to dry up and wither away? Verse 5 says, “The earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statues and broken the everlasting covenant.” It is really your fault that God one day is going to completely wrack and ravage planet Earth. It is also your dad’s fault, your ma’s fault, your grandmaa’s fault, your grandpaa’s fault, your Aunt Lynn’s fault, your Uncle Chris’ fault, your . . . it is everyone’s fault that God will destroy all the beauty and wonders that are presently everywhere on planet Earth. Not every guy, gal or kid will die on the day when your God’s righteous anger is taken out on planet Earth. The guys, gals and kids who will not die will become extremely frightened. These guys, gals and kids will fall into pits and be caught in snares. These guys, gals and kids will lose their joy and gaiety to gloom and despair. This horrifying day will find cities that were filled with guys, gals and kids at the beginning of the day totally empty by the end of this dire day. Because the sun and moon will be too ashamed to show their faces on this calamitous day, there will be complete darkness during the day. The few guys, gals and kids who will be left alive on planet Earth after God’s day of judgment occurs will not number more than the olives that are left on an olive tree after it has been thoroughly shaken and beaten to collect the ripe olives that are growing on it or more than the grapes that are left on a grapevine after it has been thoroughly picked over for the ripe grapes that are growing on it. If you just happen to be still alive when the day arrives for God to wreck punishment with His ‘wooden spoon’ on planet Earth, do not count on being one of the olives or grapes that gets missed during the harvest pickings.

If you are wondering if this horrific day will take place sometime in your lifetime, your grandpaa as of today does not believe that what Isaiah wrote will take place in his lifetime – or in your lifetime, but . . . your grandpaa knows from experience that God was, is and will be in control of everything that has taken, is taking and will take place on planet Earth. After your grandmaa and grandpaa were encouraged by a couple of their Bolivian friends to go to Argentina to spend a couple of weeks there, they spent ten days in Argentina in late February in 1990. Your grandmaa and grandpaa first needed to take a train to the Bolivian and Argentinian border. The train ride was long and tiring. After your grandmaa and grandpaa crossed over the Bolivian border into Argentina, your grandmaa and grandpaa rode in luxurious Pullman busses for two days until they finally arrived at their destination – which was Mar de Plata. Mar de Plata is a tourist city that is located a couple of hours south of Buenos Aires. Your grandmaa and grandpaa found a four star hotel that was located less than a block away from the Atlantic Ocean and where they were able to stay for less than thirty dollars a night. After spending several nights in the Mar de Plata hotel, your grandmaa and grandpaa decided to go to another place that was another couple of hours south of Mar de Plata. Your grandpaa had been told that this place had a good spot to go fishing. Your grandpaa had taken some of his fishing stuff along with him on this trip. A jetty was located about three blocks from the place where your grandmaa and grandpaa found to stay while they were in this town. After fishing off this jetty for an hour or so, your grandmaa and grandpaa noticed a storm developing several miles out in the ocean. The storm did not concern your grandmaa and grandpaa until they saw that it was heading right for them. Your grandmaa and grandpaa were only concerned about getting really soaked until they saw a waterspout drop out of the storm and head right for them. Your grandmaa and grandpaa saw the waterspout pick up a canoe that was lying on the beach and smash it to bits against a tree. Your grandmaa and grandpaa were not able to move when the waterspout hit them – because of how strong the wind was in the waterspout. This incident reminded your grandmaa and grandpaa how God has their lives completely in His hands – as He could have allowed the waterspout to smash the canoe into them instead of against a nearby tree.

Seventeen years have passed since this ‘devotional’ was originally written. There has been a good number of devastating floods and destructive earthquakes on planet Earth over the past seventeen years. There has also been over the past seventeen years on planet Earth catastrophic hurricanes, ravaging fires, exploding volcanos, fanatical radicalism and a worldwide pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands of guys, gals and kids. The day when God will utterly purge everything off planet Earth, Satan and his minions will be totally eradicated from existence.

Isaiah 24 (529)