“Youths oppress my people, women rule over them. O my people, your guides lead you astray; they turn you from the path.”
~ Isaiah 3:12


Hi James and Ellen,

How do you feel about a kid becoming the President of the United States? Your grandpaa does not think that a kid should ever become the President of the United States. Your grandpaa does not think that a kid should ever represent the United States in international affairs. Your grandpaa is quite sure that no guy or gal who lives in the United States wants a kid to be the President of the United States. Your grandpaa is also sure that no guy or gal who lives in the United States wants a kid to represent the United States in international affairs. How do you feel about a gal becoming the President of the United States? Your grandpaa does not think that a gal should ever become the President of the United States. Your grandpaa does not think that a gal should ever represent the United States in international affairs. Your grandpaa knows that he is probably in the minority about thinking that a gal should never become the President of the United States. Your grandpaa also knows that he is probably in the minority about thinking that a gal should never represent the United States in international affairs. There is nothing that is written anywhere in the Bible which says that a gal should never be a country’s President but . . . your grandpaa thinks that if it was okay with God that a gal becomes the President of a country – such as the Unites States, that God would have verses throughout the Bible affirming or even advocating gals to be in positions of authority but there are not any verses. There are a number of countries that have built in societal norms – such as the majority of the countries that are located in the Middle East, that do not allow for the emergence of a gal to become their country’s leader.

About 150 years after God – as God the Spirit, breathed on Isaiah the words to scribe in his Isaiah Book, the country of Judah – which included the city of Jerusalem, had degenerated to where guys were allowing kids and gals to appropriate leadership roles in the country of Judah – which included the city of Jerusalem. Isaiah – in Isaiah 3, overtly warned God’s specially chosen guys and gals who were living in the country of Judah – which included the city of Jerusalem, that they would someday enter a devastating life junction because of what the guys were doing who were living in the country of Judah – which included the city of Jerusalem, when they let kids and gals usurp their inherited role of accountability and authority over gals and kids. Verse 12 says, “Youths oppress my people, women rule over them. O my people, your guides lead you astray; they turn you from the path.” Your grandpaa is very concerned these days regarding the general populace’s progressive posturing as well as the liberal direction that due process is heading to in the United States. Because a gal decided that she did not want to have a kid, the gal obtained a ruling from the Supreme Court – which is the top legal court in the United States, which stated that her pregnancy was a disease which could be healed by terminating the pregnancy. Your grandpaa is very sure that God was very unhappy that a decision was made that He – the Divine Omniscient Creator, makes a mistake each time that He allows a gal the blessing of being able to propagate a new life. Your grandpaa is also very concerned about how guys – and gals – who are seated as judges, are assuming a godlike role by overturning laws that have been passed by the United States house and senate. Positioned judges are also overriding public opinion, state laws and Biblical mandates when they not only officially sanction the legality of guy/guy and gal/gal unions; they proactively and publicly assist them to take place.

Guys are who are responsible for keeping kids and gals from sliding down debauchery’s slippery sloop. If guys turn over their inherited obligation of keeping kids and gals from sliding down depravity’s slippery slope to kids and to gals, every guy, gal and kid will one day have to pay a grave price. Isaiah warned in his Isaiah Book about all the things that the haughty, flirty gals who were living in the country of Judah – which included the city of Jerusalem, would be punished with around 150 years later. God – in 586 B.C., saw to it that everything was snatched or taken away from these gals who were living in the country of Judah – which included the city of Jerusalem. God saw to it that these gals had their bangles, headbands, crescent necklaces, earrings, bracelets, veils, headdresses, charms, ankle chains, sashes, perfume bottles, signet rings, nose rings, robes, capes, purses, mirrors, linen garments, tiaras and shawls taken from them and that these girls would become smelly and bald – with sore spots on their heads. God saw to it that the guys who would be living in the country of Judah – which included the city of Jerusalem, were killed. When your grandmaa and grandpaa implemented in Concepción, Ñuflo de Chávez, Bolivia the rural resident Bible training program, they had the wives of each Centro de Capacitación student enabled in knowing and applying Bible truths, too, in classes that were specifically designed for them. Your grandmaa and grandpaa wanted to establish a Biblically based norm through enabling guys to be the church leaders versus guys and gals equipped together and equally to be seen as co-equal church leaders. It is your grandpaa’s desire that guys will gratefully and thankfully accept the responsibilities of being leaders over other guys, gals and kids – versus guys thinking that they should do everything possible to establish parity between themselves and gals. Almost seventeen years have passed since this ‘devotional’ was first written. United States now has a woman Vice President who could easily become the President of the United States because of the declining cognitiveness of the present United States’ President. Women mayors in large cities in the United States have emasculated their police force allowing crime to flourish.

Isaiah 3 (580)