“They will be called the Holy People, the Redeemed of the LORD; and you will be called the Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted.”
~ Isaiah 62:12


Hi James and Ellen,

What do you know about the country of Israel? What do you know about the Jews? Why do you think that there is always so much attention directed at the country of Israel? Why do you think that there is always so much animosity being directed at Jews? Israel’s land area – which is 8,630 square miles, is slightly less than the size of the state of New Hampshire – which has 8,969 square miles. There are now around 7,500,000 guys, gals and kids living in the country of Israel. There are now around 1,300,000 guys, gals and kids living in the state of New Hampshire. The land area of Iran – an avowed enemy of Israel, is 636,368 square miles – which makes Iran’s land area slightly larger than the combined land areas of the states of Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho. There are now around 71,000,000 guys, gals and kids living in the country of Iran. Israel is a very small country compared to most every other recognized country on planet Earth. Israel’s land area is less than a fifth the size of the country of Guatemala. Guatemala’s land area is 42,042 square miles. There are now around 13,000,000 guys, gals and kids living in the country of Guatemala. Guatemala’s land area is almost exactly a tenth of Bolivia’s land area. Bolivia’s land area is 424,163 square miles. There are now around 9,000,000 guys, gals and kids living in the country of Bolivia. The land area of Bolivia is almost fifty times larger than the land area of Israel. Your grandmaa and grandpaa – from August of 1978 to May of 1990, were missionaries on the South America Mission’s field missionary team that was in Bolivia. Your grandmaa and grandpaa – from October of 1995 to May of 2003, were missionaries on the OC International field missionary team that was in Guatemala.

It is easy to compare the size of the country of Israel to the size of other countries and to compare the number of guys, gals and kids who are living in the country of Israel to the number of guys, gals and kids who are living in other countries. Do you know of any disquietness towards the state of New Hampshire? Do you think that the other forty-nine states that make up the United States of America fear the state of New Hampshire? Do you know of any aversion towards the country of Bolivia? Do you think that the other countries that make up South America fear the country of Bolivia? Do you know of any antagonism towards the country of Guatemala? Do you think that the other countries that make up Central America fear the country of Guatemala? Even though there might be reasons to be concerned with the political climates in a state like New Hampshire and in countries such as Bolivia and Guatemala, New Hampshire, Bolivia and Guatemala have historically caused very little consternation on the worldwide scene. Israel has historically caused all kinds of tension on the worldwide scene. Iran is now causing all kinds of anxiety on the worldwide scene. Most of the guys, gals and kids who live in Israel are Jews. Most of the guys, gals and kids who live in Iran are Muslims. Many Muslims have an innate impulse to hate Jews. This inborn abhorrence that many Muslims have for Jews has them proactively looking for ways to purge planet Earth of all Jews. The radial Muslim or Islamic terrorists that recently raised havoc in Mumbai, India singled out the few Jews living in Mumbai to kill. The President of Iran – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has been quite vocal about wiping out Israel. Because Iran is now building nuclear facilities, Israel has tentative plans on the table to take out these facilities just as they bombed years ago the nuclear facilities that Iraq was building and more recently the nuclear facilities that were being built in Syria.

Why do you think that so many guys and gals despise the country of Israel? The Israelite people groups guys, gals and kids are God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids. Because the Israelite people group guys, gals and kids are God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids, other people groups of guys, gals and kids – such as the people groups of guys, gals and kids who adhere to Islamic beliefs, have what your grandpaa thinks is a jealous fear of the Israelite people group guys, gals and kids. The Israelite people group guys and gals know that they are God’s special chosen guys and gals. The Israelite people group of guys, gals and kids for the past 4000 years have had a special place in history. Abraham is the patriarch of a family that possessed the land area which is now Israel. The Israelite people group of guys and gals would in time become one of the most powerful people groups on planet Earth. From the time of Moses to around 400 years before the birth of God – as God the Son – Jesus Christ, the Israelite people group guys and gals had a direct link in one way or another with God – as God the Father. God – as God the Father, treated His specially chosen guys and gals in a very special way – even as He disciplined them for not obeying what He expected them to do. Over 100 years before God’s specially chosen guys and gals were taking away as exiles by the Babylonian army to Babylonia, Isaiah scribed some words of hope that God – as God the Spirit, prompted him to scribe. Isaiah 62 is all about God telling His specially chosen guys and gals that He will have them live forever for His sake in the city of Jerusalem. Isaiah had already told the Israel people group guys and gals that because of their rebellious acts against God that . . . now Isaiah is telling the Israelite people group guys and gals that God will one day reestablish them permanently in the land that He had given them to always to have to live in as their very own land if . . .verse 12 says, “They will be called the Holy People, the Redeemed of the LORD; and you will be called the Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted.” Now you know why some guys and gals loathe Israel and the Jews.

Isaiah 62 (958)