“At that time those slain by the LORD will be everywhere—from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned or gathered up or buried, but will be like refuse lying on the ground.”
~ Jeremiah 25:33


Hi James and Ellen,

What do you think God’s roar is like when He roars? In the missive that was given his name, Jeremiah scribed in Jeremiah 25 that he has already spent 23 years warning God’s specially chosen guys and gals who were living in the land of Judah and in the city of Jerusalem of God’s pending wrath against them. It is now 605 B.C. Jeremiah is again telling God’s specially chosen guys and gals what God had told him to tell them – that if they do not turn away from their wicked ways and practices to begin again to listen to His voice and obey His will that they are to expect His jealous anger to . . . in 586 B.C., God roared. What God explicitly said that He would do – which was to send Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian army to overrun the land area of Judah and the city of Jerusalem and to have Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian army take away to Babylonia as exiles many of His specially chosen guys and gals who were living in the land of Judah and in the city of Jerusalem – is exactly what happened. God called the Babylonian king – who was Nebuchadnezzar, His servant. God specifically chose Nebuchadnezzar to be the guy to inflict His divine wrath on His wayward specially chosen people group of guys and gals. God’s roar that was heard over 2700 years ago would last 47 years. Even though God had specifically chosen King Nebuchadnezzar to be the guy to wreak enormous destruction in the land of Judah and in the city of Jerusalem and to cause uncountable deaths among His specially chosen guys and gals who were living in the land of Judah and in the city of Jerusalem, God would in 539 B.C. have another army – the army of the Medes and the Persians, to invade Nebuchadnezzar’s country of Babylonia to do to the guys and gals who were living in the country of Babylonia what they had done to God’s specially chosen guys and gals who were living in the land of Judah and in the city of Jerusalem. Except for possibly Damascus – which is today Syria’s capital city, it seems that every other country and every people group of guys and gals who were living in the area which is known today as the Middle East – from Egypt to the Philistine people group of guys and gals to Ammon – which is now Jordon, to Arabia to Lebanon to Babylonia – which is now Iraq, and to the land area that was called Canaan – which God gave to His specially chosen guys and gals to always to have to live in as their very own land if . . . heard God’s roar of rage. Verse 33 describes what God’s angry roar would be like, “At that time those slain by the LORD will be everywhere—from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned or gathered up or buried, but will be like refuse lying on the ground.”

Your grandpaa sees similarities to what ultimately happened to God’s specially chosen guys and gals and to the land – which was the land of Canaan, which He gave to His specially chosen guys and gals to always to have to live in as their very own land if . . . and to the countries and to the people groups of guys and gals who were living in the land areas that surrounded the land of Canaan over 2600 years ago to what has very recently been happening on planet Earth. A large magnitude undersea earthquake this past week led to a mammoth tsunami that indiscriminately killed thousands and thousands of guys, gals and kids in a number of Eastern Asia countries. At about this same time last year, thousands and thousands of guys, gals and kids were killed in an earthquake in Bam, Iran. Death is certain but . . . catastrophic disasters that cause the deaths of thousands and thousands of guys, gals and kids just do not happen because of a whim of nature; they happen because of a Divine master plan that includes a myriad of wakeup calls and alarm bells. This inexhaustible list of wakeup calls and alarm bells are for the guys and gals who are living on planet Earth who God especially elected for Himself before He created planet Earth to be awakened to seeing Himself – as God the Son, sacrificing His blood and life for him or her so that he or she will use his or her faith pass to accept His free grace gift by going through the faith/grace door to enter permanently into a realm of eternal hope.

Man activated and natural disasters are happening all the time on planet Earth. God uses guys to start wars to destroy ideologies and belief paradigms that oppose His one path to true peace. God triggers earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes/typhoons, famines, etc. to call attention to Himself as being the only answer to where hope can be found. About six months after your grandpaa arrived in Bolivia with your grandmaa, dad and Aunt Lynn, your grandpaa, Tim Deckman and Brady Pillar went by train to an area that had recently experienced a natural disaster. Portón and Chochís are two small towns that are located below buttes that are at least 600 feet high. A continuous heavy rainfall in the area of Portón and Chochís caused heavy runoffs of water to pour from off the tops of the bluffs straight down to the base of the bluffs – causing rapidly filling pools of water to form. These pools of water became churning rivers of water that pushed down towards Portón and Chochís – gorging out ravines that were hundreds of feet wide and over a hundred feet deep in places along with moving massive boulders with its super strong flow. In order to get from Portón and Chochís, your grandpaa, Tim and Brady had to climb down into five different ravines that the water that was streaming off the steep buttes had gouged out and then climb back up their other side. Your grandpaa, Tim and Brady were filthy dirty by the time that they finally made it to Chochís. Before your grandpaa, Tim and Brady left Portón on the seven kilometer hike to Chochís, they were shown in Portón where an entire family was killed by a gigantic boulder that the rushing water’s force had caused to tumble down until it crushed their house. The entire family was known as being spirit worshippers. If a guy, gal or kid refuses to listen to God’s voice and. . .

Jeremiah 25 (553)