“as the LORD had commanded. They gave him the town he asked for—Timnath Serah in the hill country of Ephraim. And he built up the town and settled there.”
~ Joshua 19:50


Hi James and Ellen,

What do you think that life in your home would be like if your dad and/or ma did not have disciplines – such as doing daily chores, that serve to maintain a semblance of order in your house? What do you think that your school would be like if your teachers did not teach within the class and course expectations of your school’s superintendent who in turn is held accountable by a School Board? What do you think that the country that you live in would be like if each one of the 50 state governors had absolutely no federal oversight to govern their states? The day that your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad and Aunt Lynn arrived in Santa Cruz, Bolivia – which was August of 1978, to join the South America Mission field missionary team that is in Bolivia, a missionary on the South America Mission field missionary team approached your grandpaa to tell your grandpaa that when he found out that your grandmaa and grandpaa were preparing to join the South America Mission field missionary team that is in Bolivia that he had been praying for your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad and Aunt Lynn. Mart Juergensen also told your grandpaa – after he told your grandpaa that he had been praying for him, your grandmaa, dad and Aunt Lynn, that he was also praying that anarchy would take place in Bolivia. Bolivia has been referred to as being the country of coups. Purportedly Bolivia – per one report, averaged before 1981 a change of government through a coup about every 10 months. At least three times over the next couple of years after your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad and Aunt Lynn were settled in Bolivia, there were military or political overthrows or coup d’états of Bolivia’s government. When there is anarchy in a country, there is a lot of uncertainty. When there is a lot of uncertainty, guys, gals and kids will start to question their spirituality which in turn will have guys, gals and kids looking for an answer that will give them a sense of hope. Some of the guys, gals and kids who are looking for an answer that will give them hope will find hope through making a decision of faith through believing what Jesus Christ did for them while being unmercifully hung on and inhumanely nailed to a cross. Mart’s prayers for disorder in Bolivia were being answered. Do you think that it would be good if your country – which is the United States of America, was experiencing anarchy today?

Over two million Israelite people group guys, gals and kids – who were God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids, about 3400 years ago were settling the land area where God in a cloud pillar during the day and a fire pillar at night led them to. After doing a number on most of the tribal clans of guys and gals that were living in the land area that was called Canaan – the land area that God was giving to His specially chosen guys and gals to always to have to live in as their very own land if . . . Joshua continued to use lots to assign parcels of land to the six remaining Israelite people group tribal clans that had not yet received land allotments. Joshua 19 records how the lots fell for the six remaining Israelite people group tribal clans, it describes the six Israelite people group tribal clans’ land area borders and it gives the names of cities there were located inside the boundaries of the six Israelite people group tribal clans’ land areas. The first lot that was drawn ‘out of a hat’ was the Benjamin tribal clan. The second lot that was drawn was the Simeon tribal clan. Because the Judah tribal clan had been allotted earlier a large land parcel, the Simeon tribal clan was assigned the land area that was located in the southwest corner of the Judah tribal clan area. When the Simeon tribal clan took on avenging with the Levi tribal clan their sister Dinah’s physical exploitation, the Simeon tribal clan was punished by God through a diminished influence role among the Simeon tribal clan’s fellow Israelite people group tribal clans. The third lot that was drawn was the Zebulun tribal clan. The Zebulun tribal clan was allotted a parcel of land that was located west of the Sea of Galilee. The city of Nazareth was situated in the Zebulun tribal clan’s land area. The fourth lot that was drawn was the Issachar tribal clan. The Issachar tribal clan was allotted a segment of land that was located southwest of the Sea of Galilee. Mount Tabor was the northern most point of the Issachar tribal clan’s land area. The fifth lot that was drawn was the Asher tribal clan. The Asher tribal clan was allotted a coastal region that stretched from north of the city of Sidon in Phoenicia to Mount Carmel to the south. The sixth lot that was drawn was the Naphtali tribal clan. The Naphtali tribal clan was allotted a parcel of land that was located on the north side of the Sea of Galilee. The seventh lot that was drawn was the Dan tribal clan. The Dan tribal clan ended up with a boomerang shaped sliver of land that was located between the land areas that were allocated to the half tribe of the Ephraim and the Judah tribal clans and west of the land allocated to the Benjamin tribal clan. The Dan tribal clan had to forcefully remove Amorite people group guys, gals and kids from one of the cities – which was the city of Leshem. The Dan tribal clan renamed the city of Leshem the city of Dan.

Once the Israelite people group tribal clans had been allocated land in Canaan’s land area, Joshua decided that it was time for him to lay claim to a comfortable place where he could retire. Joshua – in his Joshua Book, scribed in verse 50, “as the LORD had commanded. They gave him the town he asked for—Timnath Serah in the hill country of Ephraim. And he built up the town and settled there.” Joshua did not have a guy prepared to replace him when he retired as leader of the Israelite people group guys and gals. Your grandpaa is not surprised that the Israelite people group tribal clans did not unify. Your grandpaa believes that anarchy will happen when there is no ascribed leader.

Joshua 19 (937)