“But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD; they do not understand his plans, he who gathers them like sheaves to the threshing floor.”
~ Micah 4:12
Hi James and Ellen,
Do you think that a guy, gal or kid can read and understand your Father God’s thoughts and plans? There is absolutely no way that a guy, gal or kid can read and understand your Father God’s thoughts and plans. Micah – a prophet spokesman for God, had God – as God the Spirit, breathe words on him that he scribed in a letter. Micah was a spokesman for God during the reigns of three kings – Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, who ruled over the guys and gals who lived in the land area of Judah. In the letter that God – as God the Spirit, breathed on Micah to scribe, God passed on some of His thoughts and plans that He had for His specially chosen guys and gals. Also in the letter that God – as God the Spirit, had Micah scribe, God – as God the Spirit, recounted some of the events or incidents that had already happened and some of the events or incidents that would and/or will still happen to God’s specially chosen guys and gals – the Israelite people group’s guys and gals. God – as God the Spirit, has Micah – in Micah 4, tell God’s specially chosen guys and gals that they are living in the right place – that where they are living is where nations and people groups of guys and gals that are located and who are living on planet Earth will meet one day to worship Him as their God. The city of Jerusalem will one day be the ‘top of the mountain’ or the center of peace where different countries and people groups of guys and gals will meet to settle their differences and where God will be worshipped. During this period of peace, swords will be beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks. Your grandpaa does not know when this period of peace is going to happen; he just knows that this period of peace has not yet happened. When this period of peace happens, the city of Jerusalem will be filled with lame and exiled guys, gals and kids. When this period of peace happens, the guys, gals and kids who are living on planet Earth will no longer know what fear feels like. God – as God the Spirit, also has Micah tell His specially chosen guys and gals that before this period of peace happens – that because of their unfaithfulness and disobedience to Him, that He is going to have Babylon’s army take many of them as exiles to Babylonia for a period of time but that even though it will seem like that they are the only ones who God – as God the Father, because of their incessant offensive attitudes and continuous disobedient actions towards Him is really leveling on, that their gloating enemies would one day also get it from Him for their constant putting them down and for their unremitting attempts to destroy them.
God gave His specially chosen guys and gals plenty of opportunities to stop doing what they were doing that got Him really uptight with them – but that did not stop them from doing anyway what their God did not want them do so . . . also – the enemies of God’s specially chosen guys and gals had no way of knowing that they were pushing God’s hot button when they messed with, harassed and attacked His specially chosen guys and gals and particularly when the army of one of these enemy nation took many of His specially chosen guys and gals away from the land that He had given them to always have to live in as their very own land if . . . to their country as exiles. Micah had God – as God the Spirit, have him scribe in verse 12 “But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD; they do not understand his plans, he who gathers them like sheaves to the threshing floor.” The plans that your Father God specifically designed for every guy, gal and kid who lived, is living and will live on planet Earth was, is and will be filled with events and incidents that belied, is belying and will belie coincidence that pointed, is pointing and will point each guy, gal and kid to the ‘Higher Power’ Who controls everything that is happening on planet Earth as the ‘Higher Power’ – God, unfolds the plan that He designed to glorify His name before He created the universe.
Your grandpaa’s dad died about a year ago. Your dad’s grandpa had been a farmer. Your dad’s grandpa liked animals. Your grandmaa and grandpaa are going to spend beginning in a couple of days about five weeks in a camp called Bear Trap Ranch. OC International – the mission agency that your grandmaa and grandpaa are missionaries, has asked your grandmaa and grandpaa to be a mentor couple again during their annual orientation time for their new missionaries. Several days after your grandmaa and grandpaa arrived in Bear Trap Ranch last year, a friend of your grandmaa and grandpaa walked up to your grandpaa with a short note. The note was from a telephone call that Jim had received that informed your grandpaa that his dad had died. It took your grandpaa only a couple of seconds to read the note. As your grandpaa was handing the note to your grandmaa to read, your grandpaa happened to look in the direction of the road to where he, your grandmaa and the guys, gals and kids who were walking with them would walk. Your grandpaa at that moment spotted a spike buck standing alone next to the road a short distance ahead calmly grazing on the grass next to the road in spite of all the guys, gals and kids who were getting ready to walk down the road. Even though your grandmaa and grandpaa were mentors at Bear Trap Ranch for several years and there are purported to be a lot of deer in the area, this deer is the only deer that they saw there. Your grandpaa a couple of times saw a bear at Bear Trap Ranch. One of the guys who was with your grandmaa and grandpaa took a close photo of the deer. Doug had all the guys, gals and kids who were with your grandmaa and grandpaa when your grandpaa received the note that his dad had died sign the back of the photo – which he framed and gave to your grandpaa. It seemed to your grandmaa and grandpaa – and to other guys and gals, that the young buck was sent by God as a sign to your grandmaa and grandpaa that your grandpaa’s dad was resting in peace with Him in heaven.
Micah 4 (503)