“The LORD is in his holy temple; the LORD is on his heavenly throne. He observes the sons of men; his eyes examine them.”
~ Psalm 11:4


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you believe in luck? Do you believe in karma? Do you believe in fate? Do you believe what a fortune teller sees in her crystal ball or reads from her tarot cards is really true? Do you believe that guys, gals and kids are being haunted by evil spirits who are trying to get them to concede to doing something that is not right and good to do or to cause guys, gals and kids to be physically harmed or actually killed? Do you believe that a Divine Being has ordered or arranged the life of each guy, gal and kid who has ever lived, is now living and will one day live on planet Earth? David scribed in Psalm 11 – in verse 4, “The LORD is in his holy temple; the LORD is on his heavenly throne. He observes the sons of men; his eyes examine them.” David believed that a Divine Being – Who is the LORD or God, was always keeping His eyes on him as well as on every other guy, gal or kid who was living on planet Earth, is always searching the soul of each guy, gal and kid who is living on planet Earth to determine how righteous or wicked he or she is, is always protecting guys, gals and kids who are living on planet Earth who unreservedly take refuge in Him and is always abhorring guys, gals and kids who are living on planet Earth who are always hunting for ways to be vile and violent. Per David in this psalm song that he scribed and gave to the music director to have him lead the temple choir sing it in the temple of God that was located in the city of Jerusalem, the Divine Being – Who is the LORD or God, will rain down fiery coals, pour out burning sulfur and send a scorching wind as punishments against guys, gals and kids who are living lives that are compromising what is right and good to do. Wicked, bad guys, gals and kids are guys, gals and kids who have been preordained to deny the Divine Being’s existence and to accept as a preordained fact the existence of a spirit world that has as its preassigned propagator an arrogant, exiled angel – Lucifer, and his minion army of fellow fallen angels, evil principality demons and vile power spirits who are always looking for shadowy places where they are able to ambush an upright, good guy, gal or kid in order to shoot a rotten arrow into the heart of the guy, gal or kid in order to taint and infect with rottenness the goodness that is in the guy, gal or kid.

Three weeks ago this coming Tuesday, your grandmaa and grandpaa set out on a nearly 1400 mile trip from Colorado Springs, Colorado to Flowery Branch, Georgia. Your grandmaa and grandpaa rented a 26’ U-Haul truck from the place where they were storing their belongings to carry their belongings from Colorado Springs to Flowery Branch. So that your grandmaa would not have to follow the U-Haul truck in the 2002 GMC Envoy that your grandmaa and grandpaa own, your grandmaa and grandpaa decided to rent a transporter to get their SUV from Colorado Springs to Flowery Branch. When the day arrived for your grandmaa and grandpaa to rent a U-Haul truck, there was an almost new 26’ U-Haul truck on the lot. The truck used gas instead of diesel, was an automatic and could go fast. After Bill – who is the manager of the place where your grandmaa and grandpaa had stored all their belongings and where they were renting the U-Haul truck and a really good, accommodating guy, told your grandmaa and grandpaa that they would have to go to another U-Haul place to rent a transporter to carry the SUV that your grandmaa and grandpaa own, Bill decided to check his lot to see if by chance a transporter had been recently returned to his place. Bill discovered that a good, newer transporter had been recently returned to his place. It really seemed as if everything was coming together for your grandmaa and grandpaa three weeks ago this coming Tuesday at the U-Haul place where they had stored their belongings and where they were renting a U-Haul truck. Then Bill asked your grandpaa what the make of the vehicle was that the transporter would be carrying. When your grandpaa told Bill that it was going to be a 2002 GMC Envoy, Bill told your grandmaa and grandpaa that a 2002 GMC Envoy was too heavy for the tensile strength of the webbing straps that held a vehicle on the transporter. After discussing what options that your grandmaa and grandpaa might have about getting their car to Georgia, Bill said that he would put the 2002 GMC Envoy on the transporter that he had on his lot. Your grandmaa and grandpaa did not know it until they arrived in Georgia that Bill had entered the name of another, lighter vehicle than the Envoy that your grandmaa and grandpaa own on the rental form. The third time that your grandpaa stopped to check the transporter’s webbing over the Envoy’s front tires, your grandpaa found that the webbing was slipping off the driver’s side front tire. Your grandpaa the next morning found that he had to cinch up again the webbing on the driver’s side front tire. When it seemed like the webbing was not going to slip off the tire again, your grandpaa told your grandmaa that he was really proud of himself for having been able to fix the webbing over the SUV’s driver’s side front tire. It was after your grandpaa said that and after a roller coaster, winding stretch of freeway that your grandpaa found that the webbing had come off the SUV’s driver’s side front tire and was lying neatly next to the tire.

Your grandpaa is convinced that God was looking down from His throne in heaven to care for your grandmaa and grandpaa as they hauled their Envoy on a transporter to Georgia while the enemy was . . .

Psalm 11 (789)