“your eyes saw my unformed body, All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
~ Psalm 139:16


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you think that God is looking at you at this very moment? How much do you think that God knows about you? Do you think that God knows everything that you will do before you do it? Do you think that God knows how you will go about doing whatever that you do before you do it? Do you think that God knows what you are going to think even before you have crystallized your thoughts? Do you think that God knows what you are going to say before you speak? Do you think that you can hide your thoughts, words and actions from God? The guy who scribed Psalm 139 knew that he could never ever escape from God – that God had him totally hemmed in so that there was no way that he could ever get away from God’s scrutiny. Never ever being able to escape from God keeping His eyes on him was something that made the author of this psalm song very happy. Do you think that you have been fearfully and wonderfully made by God? ‘Fearfully and Wonderfully Made’ is the title of a book that was written by Philip Yancey. Philip Yancey is married to one of Hunter Norwood’s daughters. When your grandmaa and grandpaa were accepted by South America Mission as missionaries Hunter Norwood was South America Mission’s President. Hunter Norwood was a softspoken, godly guy who exuded affirmation and a genuine appreciativeness for each one of South America Mission’s field team missionaries.

Have you internalized how wonderful God’s manifestations are? Do you find it easy to forget that you are the products of God’s knitting? God hardwired you with special uniqueness even before you were an embryo. God has not and is not only forming you physically; God has been and is forming you emotionally. Verse 16 says, “your eyes saw my unformed body, All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Do you know how unconditionally, categorically special you were to God before it was your turn – according to God’s perfect, unfolding schematic, to live on planet Earth? Why do you think that God has assigned you – at this time, to a planet Earth tenure? What is it that you think that God would like you to do as you are pulling planet Earth duty? How often do you ask God to search your heart? How often do you ask God to test you? How often do you dump on God your anxious thoughts and nagging concerns? How often do you ask God to show you the things that are in your heart – such as inappropriate emotions, that are offensive to Him? How often do you ask God to help you to keep your eyes focused on His ways that you know are leading you to everlasting life? How often do you thank God for the treasured thoughts that He is leaving your mind with each day – such as thoughts like hope, peace and love? How often do you ask God to do something about the wicked, bloodthirsty guys who are doing nothing but speaking bad things about Him?

Do you know that God never stops searching your hearts? God knows absolutely everything about you. God knows when you sit down, when you stand up, when you go someplace and when you lie down. Are you okay with God knowing everything about you? Your grandpaa has been told that he should write a book. If your grandpaa does write a book about all the things that God has done that has him and your grandmaa where they are living and what they are doing at this time, he would title the book ‘Too Many Coincidences’. Your grandmaa and grandpaa have had things take place in their lives that completely belie coincidence. The improbable things that have taken place in the lives of your grandmaa and grandpaa have taken place because Someone – Who is God, pulled the strings to make those things take place. Your grandmaa and grandpaa know that they are indispensable, vital bit players for God in His ongoing scenes in His unfolding action filled activities that are continually taking place everywhere with everyone who God has living on planet Earth. Connecting with the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Aberdeen, South Dakota happened through a series of events that if just one of those events had not been in place, your grandmaa and grandpaa may still be living in Aberdeen. Your grandpaa – who is from South Dakota, had to meet and marry a gal who is from Delaware. Your dad’s Uncle Craig had to join the military and then once out of the military, decide to go on the GI Bill to Northern State College in Aberdeen. When Beneficial Finance asked your grandpaa to manage their office that was in Aberdeen, your dad’s Uncle Craig was already living in Aberdeen. Your dad’s Uncle Craig had to hear from someone that the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church that is in Aberdeen was a good church. When your grandpaa finally decided to attend the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church that is in Aberdeen, he had to have signed the church’s guest book – which led to two gals from the church showing up at the house where your grandmaa and grandpaa were living. Being given the opportunity to become proactive members in the Aberdeen Christian and Missionary Alliance Church led your grandpaa to respond to a missionary call. Your grandmaa and grandpaa have been as missionaries in Bolivia and Guatemala involved in productive, fulfilling ministries that have seemingly meshed perfectly into how uniquely God gifted them. Your grandmaa and grandpaa are now wondering what will be written as their next life chapter as God – in His divine way, leads them to their next planet Earth assignment. It will be another chapter all about God. Over sixteen years have passed since your grandpaa first wrote this missive. Your grandmaa and grandpaa accepted roles with Adventures In Missions. Adventures In Missions had your grandpaa lead short term ministry team trips – something that he has liked doing.

Psalm 139 (734)