“The fool says in his heart; “‘There is no God.”’ They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.”
~ Psalm 14:1


Hi James and Ellen,

Are you living among fools or are you a couple of the fools who make up the vast majority of planet Earth’s inhabitants? Planet Earth is polluted with fools. The psalm song writer who wrote Psalm 14 defines what a fool is in verse 1, “The fool says in his heart; “‘There is no God.”’ They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.” All guys, gals and kids who have lived, are living and will live on planet Earth were born and will be born corrupt. A fool does not accept the absolute actuality that his or her life has been ordered or planned out for him or her by a Divine Being. A fool does not accept the unqualified certainty that the despicable things that he or she does will determine his or her place in hell’s pit of fire. A fool does not accept the irrefutable reality that his or her abhorrent mistreatment of destitute guys, gals and kids will cause his or her heart to have to do battle with the fear spirit. A fool can never accept the unconditional forgiveness gift – that the death of Jesus – as God the Son, has made available for the guys, gals and kids who accepts as truth what He did on a cross as a ransom payment for their sins, because God – as God the Father, never put his or her name on His lists of specially chosen and elected guys and gals. Per this psalm song writer, God – as God the Father, is looking down right now from His throne in heaven looking for the guys, gals and kids who are looking for Him. As God – as God the Father, is looking down from His throne in heaven, what kinds of guys, gals and kids do you think that God – as God the Father, sees? Per this psalm song writer, God – as God the Father, sees mostly guys, gals and kids with ‘dog eat dog’, ‘land of the fittest’ and ‘every guy for himself’ attitudes or mentalities. God – as God the Father, is not seeing guys, gals and kids calling up to Him for His help. Do you believe that God is a sovereign, omniscient Being? Your grandpaa unequivocally does.

If you believe that God is a sovereign, omniscient Being – like your grandpaa does, how do reconcile the tension of why a sovereign, omniscient Being – Who has unquestionable absolute dominion over all things and Who has preprogrammed and is choreographing nanosecond by nanosecond the preciseness of everything – from inert objects to living creatures, would insert the foulness of corruption, filthiness of immorality and finality of death into His planet Earth tragedy? One thought that your grandpaa has used in his futile attempts to understand why God would want to smear smudges, spread stains and make mars on the unfolding pages of His Infinite Universe Book and in the chapter on planet Earth – that can be read in a split second in God’s time warp, is that the time chapter on the existence of planet Earth and the cosmos was written to explain why an angel who was tricked and tripped by the pride spirit, will ultimately end up at the very bottom of Hades Pit. No matter what kind of reconciliation answer that your grandpaa can come up with never answers how God – Who knows no evil, internalizes the consequences of pride, disobedience, hate, jealousy, anger, etc., and how He formulates destructive emotions and disparaging attitudes in guys, gals and kids. Your grandpaa does not have to worry about or have to concern himself with why God does what he does; all that your grandpaa needs to do is to accept as an unassailable truth that God came to planet Earth as His only Son to . . . and that God – as God the Son, did what God tasked Him to do.

Your grandpaa is not the only Christ-follower who wants the answer to why fools seem to be given passes by God – as God the Father, to live out their foolish lives while a Christ-follower guy, gal or kid who was chosen or elected by God – as God the Father, before He formed and put planet Earth into a revolving orbit, has his or her pass pulled at a moment that defies reason. Your Uncle Chris and Aunt Lynn this past weekend took a group of about thirty high school age guys and gals who are in a Tomball, Texas Christ-follower community’s youth group to a homecoming football game that was being played in Waco, Texas. Waco is located a couple of hours north of Tomball. Your Uncle Chris and Aunt Connie are co-directors of the Tomball Christ-follower community’s youth program. Instead of taking their unruly group of senior high guys and gals back to Tomball after the football game, your Uncle Chris and Aunt Lynn took their group of senior high guys and gals to a Waco Christ-follower fellowship of guys and gals yesterday that had as their pastor a young guy who was becoming known as a good speaker. Your Aunt Lynn does not know what happened exactly – as it happened so fast. Apparently, this young pastor of this Waco Christ-follower community of guys and gals as he was about to baptize a gal picked up a microphone while he was standing in the baptismal water and was electrocuted. The news of the young pastor being electrocuted as he was preparing to baptize a gal, made a FOX News streamer, CNN news, the Drudge Report and very probably other news agencies that have links that would have informed them of this tragic event. Why do you think that God would have your Uncle Christ and Aunt Lynn go to a Christ-follower fellowship of guys and gals with a rowdy gang of senior high age guys and gals on the very same Sunday that the young pastor of this Christ-follower community of guys and gals would be electrocuted? Your grandpaa thinks that God has predestined wakeup calls into His plan that He made before He created planet Earth that are explicit for specific guys, gals and kids. Your Aunt Lynn told your grandpaa that some of the senior high guys and gals had been acting out like fools during their Waco outing. Your grandpaa believes that God – as God the Father, at times takes a guy – like Kyle Lake, to his home in heaven so that some of His specially elect guys, gals and kids will have their eyes opened to see Who He is. What do you think?

Psalm 14 (641)