“O LORD, I say to you. “‘You are my God,”’ Hear, O LORD, my cry for mercy.”
~ Psalm 140:6


Hi James and Ellen,

Are you bullies? Do you know a kid who is a bully? A bully is a kid or a guy or gal who coerces and terrorizes. Do you beat up other kids? Do you push other kids around? Do you make the lives of other kids difficult? To be a bully is not good. Bullies are equated with kids who are belligerent towards other kids. Has another kid ever made your lives difficult? Has another kid ever pushed you around? What would you do if another kid was always hitting you to hurt you? What would you do if another kid was always making you look weak in front of other kids? What would you do if another kid was always doing something to you to make you really wish that you did not know the kid? If you have never met a bully, you will from your grandpaa’s experience will one day get to know a bully. Your grandpaa does not think that you will ever become bullies but . . . if you come to a point in your lives when you think that you need to use force, coercion and/or intimidation to control the life of another kid and/or a guy and/or a gal or other kids and/or guys and/or gals, you have become bullies. Terrorists are bullies. A terrorist is a guy or gal who uses destructive and violent actions to destabilize and subvert the tranquility and normality of a nation of guys and gals. A terrorist has no scruples in causing dissension among guys and gals who are living in a neighboring country, in destroying the property of other guys and gals and in discriminately and indiscriminately killing other guys and gals. God has terrorists living on Planet Earth right now. Through their words and actions, terrorists are saying things and doing things that they hope will make guys, gals and kids scared of them. Terrorists hope that the guys, gals and kids who are scared of them will accede to their demands – which is to let them live in ruthless, lawless ways, allow them the freedom to create plans to destroy other guys and gals and give them money so that they will think that they will have a better chance of not being killed.

Terrorists are not nuisances; terrorists are legitimate threats in maintaining commonality and harmony in a country and/or in people groups of guys and gals on planet Earth. Terrorists have always been and will always be a plague. Terrorists are not out to take over to rule over a country or a people group of guys and gals; terrorists are out to change the political and social structure of a country and/or people group of guys and gals. The Philistine people group’s guys were nothing but a group of enemy terrorists to David. David called the Philistine guys who were always marauding Israel – which was the land area that God gave to His specially chosen guys and gals to always have to live in as their very own land if . . . and which David ruled over as king for 40 years, evil guys and guys of violence. Terrorists are evil guys and guys of violence. Per David, the heart of a guy who is a terrorist devises or dreams up evil plans, the tongue of a guy who is a terrorist is as poisonous as a viper’s venom, the feet of a guy who is a terrorist are always tripping other guys and the lips of a guy who is a terrorist are always causing trouble. David scribed a psalm song as a prayer to God asking God to save him from his unscrupulous, devious enemies – who were the Philistine people group’s guys. Psalm 140 is the psalm song that David scribed at this time. David did not hesitate to ask God in this psalm song that God would send His burning coals of wrath down on the heads of his enemy people group’s guys or that He would throw his enemies people group’s guys into a fire or that He would throw his enemy people group’s guys into a miry pit.

FARC is a terrorist organization in Colombia. Mark R. was a New Tribes missionary. Mark went to Tambo. Your dad and your Aunt Lynn went to Tambo. After Mark married a friend of your Aunt Lynn – who also went to Tambo, Mark and his wife joined a New Tribes missionary team that was based in Panama. FARC terrorists one day took Mark and two other New Tribes guys from the compound where they were living with their spouses and kids. Your grandmaa, grandpaa and guys and gals all over planet Earth prayed that the FARC terrorists would let Mark and his two New Tribes missionary companions return to their homes and families. It did not happen. Mark and his two New Tribes missionary companions were killed by the FARC terrorists. John T. was on the eight week summer team that your grandmaa and grandpaa were on that went to Colombia in 1976. John and your grandpaa became friends. John married Leanne a number of years later. John and Leanne were accepted by Operation Mobilization as missionaries. They were first assigned to Bangladesh and then to Pakistan. John disappeared one day while he was in Pakistan. John had been helping Afghanistan refugees with their paperwork. No one knows what happened to John. Some guys think that an Afghanistan mullah did not like what John was doing so he either had John killed or he killed John himself. Sammy E. is the son of Ric E. Ric was your grandpaa’s Area Director when your grandpaa was the Guatemala field missionary team leader. Several weeks ago while Sammy was on his second tour as a soldier in Iraq and as he rode around Baghdad, Sammy’s vehicle struck a road mine. Sammy got second degree burns on his hands and arms while pulling his sergeant out of the burning vehicle. Sammy also has a badly busted ankle and shrapnel still in both thighs. Terrorists are nothing more than glorified bullies who can cause hurt and pain in the lives of a lot of guys, gals and kids. David reminds God in verse 6, “O LORD, I say to you. “‘You are my God,”’ Hear, O LORD, my cry for mercy.” God wants His specially elected kids – like you, to always ask Him in a loud voice for His help against the bullies that you will invariably have to face in life and against the world’s bullies.

Psalm 140 (523)