“He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart.”
~ Psalm 15:2


Hi James and Ellen,

Suppose that God lived today in a dwelling someplace here on planet Earth, who do you think that God would let come into His dwelling? God’s presence did reside for a time in a place here on planet Earth. When David was living on planet Earth, David knew where God’s presence was residing here on planet Earth. God’s presence resided in a place that was called the Holy of Holies. God had His specially chosen guys build the Holy of Holies according to His specs that He passed on to them through Moses. The Holy of Holies would always be set up at the back of a specially designed, portable worship place that was called the Tent of Meetings – or sanctuary. God’s presence was too awesome and too overwhelming for any guy to ever get close to except for first Aaron and then for each future supreme religious leader or high priest who was to be from the Levi tribal clan and who had been born into Aaron’s extended family. On a special occasion called the Day of Atonement, the supreme religious leader or high priest would enter into God’s presence in the Holy of Holies to sprinkle over the mercy seat – which was located in the Holy of Holies, the blood of a goat that had been sacrificed as an atonement for all the sins of God’s specially chosen guys and gals. When David ruled as king over God’s specially chosen guys and gals – the Israelite people group’s guys and gals, the Tent of Meetings along with the Holy of Holies – in which God’s presence resided, had been relocated to the city of Jerusalem – which was where David’s palace had been built. Something that David really enjoyed doing was writing praise psalm songs to God. Psalm 15 is one of the psalm songs that David wrote. David wrote this psalm song as a way to help a guy know if he could go into the Tent of Meetings – or sanctuary, and into close proximity of God’s presence. David began this psalm song with a question. Do you know a guy who starts out what he writes with a question? David’s question was to his Father God. David wanted his Father God to tell him who could be His guest in the Tent of Meetings – or sanctuary. David’s Father God is your Father God if you have made a decision of faith to accept what God the Son – Jesus, did for you on a crude wood cross when His blood was shed or poured out as an atonement for your sins. David used his psalm songs to talk with his Father God. It is obvious to your grandpaa that David really wanted to be near where His Father God’s presence resided inside the Holy of Holies – which was located inside the curtains and in the back of the Tent of Meetings – or sanctuary.

David knew what God expected from him and from every other guy and gal who knew Him as being his or her Father God. You can know what God expects today from a guy or gal who knows God as his or her Father God because of the decision of faith that he or she made in God the Father’s Son – Jesus, and what Jesus did on a crude wood cross for him or her. David knew that if he was able to have access to his Father God where his Father God’s presence was residing in the Holy of Holies – which was located inside the curtains of the Tent of Meetings – or sanctuary, and then behind curtains at the back of the Tent of Meetings – or sanctuary, that he needed to be always living a God-centered life. David says in verse 2, “He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart” David knew that if he could have access to his Father God where his Father God’s presence was residing in the Holy of Holies that his Father God expected him to live a life that was blameless by being righteous and living a holy life, that he was to always speak the truth from his heart, that he was never to lie, that he was to be always kind to his neighbors, that he was to never cast slurs or aspersions against any guy or gal, that he was to detest vile, evil guys and that he was to honor all the guys and gals who feared his Father God. Do you know any guy or gal – or kid, who always speaks the truth from his or her heart, who never lies, who is always kind to his or her neighbors, who never talks bad about any guy or gal, who does not like to be around guys and gals who live wickedly and who only want to be around guys, gals and kids who are Christ-followers.

For the guys, gals and kids who have made a decision of faith to accept God the Father’s Son – Jesus, and what Jesus did on a crude wood cross for them when He shed or poured out His blood as an atonement for their sins, where do you think that their Father God’s presence is residing today? Do you think that their Father God’s presence is in a dwelling similar to the one that God the Father’s presence resided in when David was alive on planet Earth? Do you think that their Father God’s presence is actually residing today on planet Earth? God the Father is residing today on planet Earth as God the Spirit. God the Spirit’s presence is everywhere on planet Earth. God the Spirit resides today on planet Earth specifically in the hearts and lives of the guys, gals and kids who God the Father specially chose before He created planet Earth to be His specially elected guys, gals and kids consecrating these guys, gals and kids while cleaning out the blackness of sin from the lives of these guys, gals and kids to prepare them for the day when they will meet their Father God face to face. How are you living your lives today? What are you doing each day that you know is resonating with God? Your Father God is having you today get a visual of the difference between what is good and what is evil – what is right and what is wrong. Your Father God is having today a country of guys, gals and kids get a visual of the difference between guys, gals and kids who do good and guys, gals and kids who do evil – guys, gals and kids who think that they are right and who think that every guy, gal and kids who believes in Him is wrong. Your grandpaa if very thankful that his Father God has him on His side.

Psalm 15 (471)