“The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?”
~ Psalm 27:1


Hi James and Ellen,

Why do you think that every guy, gal and kid who has lived, is living and will live on planet Earth had, is having and will have during his or her lifetimes gut wrenching experiences? Do you that a guy, gal or kid would ever ask God for His help if he or she only had during his or her lifetime heartwarming experiences? When a guy, gal or kid is experiencing a gut wrenching experience, what do you think that the guy, gal or kid should do? Do you think that it is okay for a guy, gal or kid to ask God why He is allowing something gut wrenching to happen that is affecting his or her life? A gut wrenching experience is good if the gut wrenching experience gets the attention of a guy, gal or kid resulting in the guy, gal or kid asking God for the answer as to why He has allowed or is allowing the gut wrenching experience to happen that has affected or is affecting his or her life. Gut wrenching experiences are wakeup calls from God to His specially elected guys, gals and kids to have them go to Him for answers instead of trying to find an answer through their own abilities. Gut wrenching experience questions that you can ask you dad and/or ma is why did God allow guys to fly airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon resulting in the deaths of hundreds of guys, gals and kids – why did God allow a Columbia space shuttle to disintegrate as it was passing through planet Earth’s atmospheric shield resulting in the seven brave guy and gal astronauts who were in the space shuttle being killed – way did God allow your grandmaa to have to be housebound for over a month with hepatitis which kept your grandmaa from being able to serve God with her field missionary team community during the time that she was confined?

David lived a life that went from facing one gut wrenching experience to another gut wrenching experience. How do you think that David felt during his lifetime on planet Earth about the kind of danger filled life that God was allowing other guys to make him have? Do you see God as being in control of everything that has happened, is happening and will happen on planet Earth? Do you see planet Earth as the playground of a fallen angel – whose name is Lucifer, who really would like to see guys fighting against and killing each other? Do you think of God as being your Father God – as David did? Do you think of God – as your Father God, before He created planet Earth as having written in a book that He has in heaven that has in it the life script of every guy, gal and kid who will ever live on planet Earth? David scribed a good number of different psalm songs. David scribed his psalm songs to praise his Father God. David scribed his psalm songs to remind guys, gals and kids that it is through faith that they are able to believe in God as their Father God. David scribed his psalm songs as a way to talk with his Father God. David scribed Psalm 27 as a triumphal, confident prayer to His Father God – to thank his Father God for the victory that He gave him over an unknown enemy. What would you say is leading to gut wrenching experiences? There are an infinite number of things that will lead to a gut wrenching experience. What will lead to a gut wrenching experience to happen was known by God before He created planet Earth. David says in verse 1 “The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” David knew that no matter how many gut wrenching experiences that he would have that he never had to be scared what might happen to him because he knew that God would always be there to help him.

When a gut wrenching experience happens to a guy, gal or kid, the guy, gal or kid will feel intense physical and emotional pain. David told his Father God that he would always remain confident in Him even when he was attacked by evil guys. David told his Father God that he would always seek His face – even if his own ma and/or dad no longer accepted him. David really wanted his Father God to teach him how to best live life day in and day out for His sake. God is always teaching his specially elected guys, gals and kids through gut wrenching experiences how to live their lives for His sake. When your grandpaa was a kid, your grandpaa’s dad and ma took him with them to the Black Hills. While your grandpaa’s dad and ma were in the Black Hills, your grandpaa’s dad and ma planned to meet up with another couple. This couple lived near the same town – which was Volga, South Dakota, where your grandpaa’s dad and ma lived. Rob was this couple’s youngest son. Rob was one of your grandpaa’s good friends when your grandpaa was a kid. Rob and his wife Judith have a daughter – Laura, who is about the same age as your dad. Rob’s dad was a really good guy. When your grandpaa was a kid, Rob’s dad would ask your grandpaa how your grandpaa was doing. Your grandpaa really liked Rob’s dad. The morning of the day that Rob’s dad was to arrive in the Black Hills – with his wife and with Rob, your grandpaa’s dad bought a newspaper. As your grandpaa’s dad began to read the newspaper, your grandpaa’s dad noticed a short article in the right bottom corner on the front page of the newspaper that said that George Vander Bak – Rob’s dad, had been killed in a power takeoff accident the day before. Your grandpaa’s dad – after he read the short article, stopped a total stranger to tell the guy that he knew George and . . . it was a gut wrenching experience for your grandpaa’s dad. Your grandmaa and grandpaa are praying that as God allows the gut wrenching experiences to unfold that He knew before He created planet Earth would affect your lives that you will ask and trust God to help you to get through them. God never stops leading guys, gals and kids to know Him through gut wrenching – and heartwarming, life lessons that He allows to happen.

Psalm 27 (336)