“for every animal of the forest is mine and the cattle on a thousand hills.”
~ Psalm 50:10


Hi James and Ellen,

How big would you say that your Father God is? How big would you say that the universe is? How big of a dot would you say that planet Earth is in the solar system? How important would you say that God’s specially chosen guys and gals were to Him over 2600 years ago when a guy from the Asaph family clan scribed the psalm song that is now Psalm 50? How important would you say that God’s specially elected guys, gals and kids are to Him today as they read, mediate and/or think about what is scribed in this psalm song? This song psalm was scribed to be a part of the liturgy that was sung or chanted in the temple of God that was located in the city of Jerusalem. The initial Asaph psalm songs were scribed by a Levite from the Gershonite family clan whose name was Asaph. This Asaph was given the responsibility during the time when David and Solomon were kings over the Israelite people group’s guys and gals of being over the praise services that were being held in the temple of God that was located in the city of Jerusalem. This Asaph was given the responsibility of leading the singing and the sounding of the cymbals before the Ark of the Covenant – or the Ark of the Testimony, that was located in the temple of God that was located in the city of Jerusalem. Asaph may also have started a music school. The psalm songs that the Asaph family clan guys scribed focused on God as being the one true Judge and a call for God’s specially chosen guys and gals to be always practicing true spirituality. God expected His specially chosen guys and gals to really know Who He was as their Father God as they met with Him to worship Him in His temple that was located in the city of Jerusalem. This psalm song may also have been scribed during Josiah’s reign over God’s specially chosen guys and gals who lived in the land area of Judah and in the city of Jerusalem. Josiah was a good king who reigned over 2600 years ago for a little over thirty years. This psalm song may have been scribed when guys like Amos, Micah, Isaiah and/or Jeremiah were doing their thing as prophet spokesmen for your Father God.

Do you like watching your Father God paint morning sunrises? Do you like watching your Father God color evening sunsets? Do you see your Father God as the Creator of all beauty? Do you think of the universe as being chaotic and messy? Do you think that the universe – in which planet Earth is nothing more than a mere dot and you nothing more than microscopic specks, is the result of an unexplainable cosmic explosion or implosion or . . . ? Do you like to create things? If you like to create things, are you able to create something out of nothing? If the universe began with absolutely nothing – like no water, no minerals, no gases, no . . ., how could different kinds of single cell living organisms suddenly appear which in time evolved into complex, multi-cell living organisms? Do you see a proactive God being surrounded by fire and fighting against heavenly adversaries that are being led by a pride filled, evil fallen angel? Do you think of God as being a Father God Who when this psalm song was scribed saw all His specially chosen kids and Who today as you read this psalm song sees all His specially elected kids as being consecrated and holy as they worship Him? How do you think that your Father God feels about all the evil guys and gals who are living on planet Earth? How do you think that your Father God feels when He sees His specially elected guys and gals doing all kinds of evil things? This song psalm author from the Asaph family clan makes it very clear as he concludes his psalm song that your Father God is going to tear to pieces the guys and gals who are dishonoring Him through refusing to worship Him through thank offering sacrifices.

Do you see your Father God as being the owner of every animal, every bird and everything else that will ever exist on planet Earth? Your Father God says in verse 10, “for every animal of the forest is mine and the cattle on a thousand hills.” Your grandmaa and grandpaa as faith missionaries have family, friends, acquaintances and churches giving them money gifts so that they can pay the rent for a place to live in, buy food, travel, etc. Your grandmaa and grandpaa as faith missionaries believe that their Father God will supply them with whatever they need whenever they need it. Your grandmaa and grandpaa as faith missionaries have at times prayed to their Father God to ask Him to please sell some of the cattle that He has roaming over those thousand hills as . . . your grandmaa and grandpaa have had their Father God answer specifically their prayers. The first year that your dad was in Bolivia with your grandmaa and grandpaa, your dad went to the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center. After your dad had finished eighth grade – which was his first school year in Bolivia, your dad decided that he wanted to go to Tambo. Tambo was the New Tribes Mission’s boarding school in Bolivia. You dad met a kid who was going to Tambo when your dad went to Cochabamba with your grandmaa and grandpaa and with the Bolivia summer team that your grandmaa and grandpaa were leading. Your grandmaa and grandpaa think that your dad saw going to Tambo as a chance to be around kids all the time who were his age. Your grandmaa and grandpaa told your dad that he could not go to Tambo to begin ninth grade because they still owed tuition fees to the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center. Your grandmaa and grandpaa told your dad that if what they owed to the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center was paid off before the next school year began that your dad could go to Tambo. After your dad began to pray that funds would come in to pay off what was owed to the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center, gifts were received to pay off the debt. Your Father God will help guys, gals and kids who ask Him for His help because He possess everything.

Psalm 50 (465)