“The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.”
~ Psalm 93:1


Hi James and Ellen,

What does absolute mean to you? Something that is without doubt unconditional and conclusive is an absolute. Can you think of something that is without doubt unconditional and conclusive that will always influence you on how you live your lives? One thing that is without doubt unconditional and conclusive that will always influence you on how you live your live is that you are never going to be a permanent resident on planet Earth. Death – which is the exact moment when a guy, gal or kid will go through heaven’s door or through hell’s gate, is without doubt an unconditional and conclusive inevitability for every guy, gal or kid who God – as God the Father, has placed and is going to place as a temporary assignment on planet Earth. Can you think of something that is perpetually eternal that is without doubt unconditional and conclusive? Because God’s ways never change, God’s fixed ways are without doubt unconditional and conclusive. Because God never changes His mind. God’s unvarying thoughts are without doubt unconditional and conclusive. Because God indisputably rules His universe, God’s rule of the universe that He designed is without doubt unconditional and conclusive. Planet Earth is completely under God’s sovereignty. Your lives – which God – as God the Spirit, is using as His temple – if you have made a decision of faith to accept what God – as God the Son, did while hung and nailed to a crude wood cross as a payment or an atonement for your sins, were created by God – as God the Father, to reflect His glory back to Him. If you without doubt know because of having made a decision of faith to believe in what God – as God the Son, did on a crude wood cross as a payment or an atonement for your sins, that you were specially elected by God – as God the Father, before He designed the universe, your hearts are being strummed by God – as God the Spirit, to sing praises to your Father God.

Some Psalm authors scribed liturgical praise songs to their Father God. Psalm 93 is a praise hymn that may have been composed by guys and/or gals who sang in the choir that sang in the temple of God that was located in the city of Jerusalem. This psalm song was scribed to be used in the temple as a confession of faith hymn. This psalm song may have been composed after a group of God’s specially chosen guys and gals returned to their homes in the city of Jerusalem after they had been exiled by their Father God after they had opted to worship inanimate idol gods that were handmade from wood, stone and metal instead of worshipping only Him as their Creator God. The theme of this psalm hymn is the eternal, universal and invincible reign of their Father God – their Lord. God’s specially chosen guys and gals had an annual festival where they celebrated their Father God’s reign over the celestial or cosmic order, over all the nations and people groups on planet Earth and over themselves. God’s specially chosen guys and gals would implicitly at this time infer through their singing and celebratory activities that their Father God was the great King above and apart from all other gods. God’s specially chosen guys and gals clearly understood that their Father God’s reign as the great King above and apart from all other gods is an eternal reign that is without doubt unconditional and conclusive. ‘God reigns’ is without doubt an unconditional and conclusive statement.

Sin taints, spoils and/or pollutes the heart’s desire of God’s specially elected guys, gals or kids to praise Him through psalm songs. The hearts of God’s specially elected guys, gals and kids have an innate desire to praise their Creator God through psalm songs. Your grandpaa thinks that it is good that churches set aside time during a service to revere God through worship songs and hymns. Your grandpaa thinks that it is good that churches set aside time during a service to corporately or communally revere God through worship songs and hymns. Your grandpaa believes that God desires that during a church service that the mass revere Him as one versus having a guy or gal doing performing in front of the masses. Your grandpaa believes that revering God – as God the Father, through singing reinforces the power that God – as God the Spirit, has in the lives of God’s specially elected guys, gals and kids. Motessi – an Argentinean evangelist, was asked one year by some of the evangelical churches that are located in Santa Cruz, Bolivia to have an outdoor evangelistic campaign in Santa Cruz. Your grandmaa and grandpaa went to one of the services to hear Motessi speak. Motessi would ask the guys, gals and kids in his outdoor services to clap their hands to thank God. Your grandpaa is not sure whether or not His Father God is okay with being clapped to but . . . the song entitled “Majesty” had just been published. A gal on the South American Mission Bolivia field missionary team translated “Majesty” into Spanish so that it could be sung in Spanish. Your grandpaa does not remember who sang “Majesty” in Spanish other than that she sang the song beautifully, powerfully and glorifying to God. After “Majesty” had been sung, it seemed as if God – as God the Spirit, was ready to speak through Motessi to every guy, gal and kid. Instead of having Motessi speak next, the Gospel Mission Union’s Bible School choir – all in choir robes, marched up unto the stage in front of the crowd of guys, gals and kids, slowly got themselves lined up on the stage and then sang what seemed like every single stanza of a very slow, somber hymn. As this hymn was being sung by the Gospel Mission Union Bible School choir, it seemed as if God – as God the Spirit, decided to take a nap. The psalm hymn writer – in verse 1, seems to capture the blessing of singing to God when he wrote, “The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.” God is without doubt the indisputable and majestic ruler over all of His creation.

Psalm 93 (478)