“The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk.”
~ Revelation 9:20

Hi James and Ellen,

Would you like to be caught up in a cataclysmic event? Would you like to be in the middle of a catastrophic occurrence? Would you like to be surrounded by calamitous happenings? There are dire, devastating, disastrous life altering crises unfolding right now on planet Earth. Genocide has been a way of life for guys, gals and kids who are living in some African countries. The most recent ethnic cleansing or the murdering of one people groups guys, gals and kids by another people groups guys – which has militant Arab guys killing non-Arab guys, gals and kids, is taking place in western Sudan – in the Darfur region. There has been in recent days relentless flooding taking place in Brazil’s Santa Catarina department which has already led to the drowning deaths of over 100 guys, gals and kids. Radical Islamic terrorists just days ago methodically terrorized Mumbai, India business and tourist districts – killing randomly over 150 guys, gals and kids. The Tutsi tribal people groups guys – in an attempt to do ‘ethnic cleansing’, indiscriminately slaughtered about fifteen years ago over 800,000 Hutu tribal people group guys, gals and kids in the countries of Rwanda and Burundi. The torrential rain from a typhoon about six months ago led to the deaths of over 50,000 guys, gals and kids who were living in the country of Burma – which is now Myanmar. An earthquake in the Indian Ocean four years ago and the massive wall of water from the subsequent tsunami led to the deaths of over 225,000 guys, gals and kids. A rattling earthquake that hit central China six months ago led to the deaths of over 10,000 guys, gals and kids while a jarring earthquake five years ago in Iran led to the deaths of over 30,000 guys, gals and kids. A cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe right now has already led to the deaths of over 500 guys, gals and kids. Many guys and gals who are living on planet Earth have made aborting defenseless unborn babies an accepted norm. Inflation today is putting difficult financial straits on businesses and in homes everywhere on planet Earth. There always has been throughout history horrendous, harmful and hopeless times.

Your grandpaa could easily fill this page with scary stuff that is now taking place and that took place recently on planet Earth but . . . if you really want to know about something absolutely frightening that is going to take place on planet Earth, read Revelation 9. Your grandpaa wonders what was going through Apostle John’s mind as he was having God – as God the Spirit, prompt him to record two ominous future periods of time. The first time is going to be five months of agonizing angst for every guy, gal and kid who does not have the seal of God stamped on his or her forehead. The second time may possibly be a day event at which time one third of planet Earth’s population of guys, gals and kids will be killed by fire, smoke and sulfur plagues. These two upcoming periods of time – which your grandpaa really believes are imminent, will be led by an angel. The first time will have an angel sounding a trumpet. As the angel blows the trumpet, a star with the key to the shaft of a bottomless abyss will fall from the sky to planet Earth. The star’s key will be used to open the abyss’ shaft so that the abyss’ dark smoke – which is going to blacken the sun and sky, can be released. Horses the size of locusts – which are demonic spirits, will drop or come out of the dark smoke to torture the guys, gals and kids who do not have the seal of God stamped on their foreheads. The demonic spirits – which will look like locusts, will be wearing gold crowns, have human faces, have hair like a woman and have lion’s teeth. They will also be wearing iron like breastplates and using their wings to make a sound like thundering horses and rolling chariots rushing into a battle. They will also have tails that will have the ability to cause very painful scorpion like stings. The locust like demonic beings will have a king over them. A fallen abyss angel – whose name is Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek, will be the demons’ king. Even though a lot of guys, gals and kids will beg to die during this five month period, no guy, gal or kid – who does not have the seal of God stamped on his or her forehead, will escape from the tormenting, harassing, bullying ‘locust’ like demon spirits.

A second angel will introduce with a trumpet blast the next woe – which is what these warnings are called that God – as God the Spirit, gave through Apostle John in his Revelation Book – which your grandpaa thinks will take place after the last woe. This angel will have instructions for the release of four fallen angels that have been kept at the Euphrates River for this moment. The four fallen angels will have 200,000 mounted troops – which are demonic horsemen, at their disposal to help them kill one third of the guys, gals and kids who will be living at this time on planet Earth. The demonic horsemen’s horses’ heads will resemble lion’s heads and their tails will look like snakes. Your grandpaa thinks that a wakeup call is being given by God at this time to the guys, gals and kids who are living on planet Earth to be prepared. Even after a really horrific time has played out on planet Earth, verse 20 says, “The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk.” This missive was first written about 16 years ago. The outlook for guys, gals and kids who are living on planet Earth has gotten worse.

Revelation 9 (957)