“The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.”
~ Zechariah 14:9


Hi James and Ellen,

Ask your dad if he likes to read articles and/or books about the end time. Your grandpaa is curious about the end time. Your grandpaa knows that he needs to be ready for the end time when the end time begins – if the end time should begin while your grandpaa is still doing time on planet Earth. Your grandpaa does not spend a lot of time though thinking and/or reading about the end time. When your grandpaa was a kid, your grandpaa heard a preacher one Sunday say that God would one day completely destroy planet Earth with fire. After your grandpaa heard this preacher say that planet Earth would one day be completely destroyed with fire, your grandpaa began thinking about when and how God would utterly destroy planet Earth with fire. Your grandpaa began wondering about if that moment does actually take place while he is still living on planet Earth when God will totally destroy planet Earth with fire, will he be able to see the fire coming or will there be one moment when planet Earth will be as it is now and then the next moment there will no planet Earth? Your grandpaa at the time was not scared when he heard a preacher say that God was going to one day destroy planet Earth with fire with the possibility that he might still be living on planet Earth at the time but . . . your grandpaa now thinks that the preacher who your grandpaa heard say that God would one day completely destroy planet Earth with fire may have been preaching on what Isaiah and Peter wrote in their books on what figuratively or literally will happen to planet Earth on the day that God has scheduled to be His judgement day – which is when Jesus returns again to planet Earth. Your grandpaa really cannot tell you how the end time is going to play out; your grandpaa can absolutely tell you though that the end time will play out one day – and that day may be arriving a lot sooner than down the road a ways.

From reading the Bible and from their life experiences, your grandmaa and grandpaa know that God’s timing is always absolutely, divinely perfect in every way. Your grandmaa and grandpaa know that nothing ever happens by chance. You living on planet Earth at this time has not happened by chance; it has happened because God planned you to be living at this time on planet Earth before He created planet Earth. The way that things today are unfolding on planet Earth are also not happening by chance; they are happening exactly the way that God had planned them to happen at this very moment on planet Earth before He created planet Earth. God knew before He created planet Earth that there would be at this time the Iraqi War. God knew before He created planet Earth that you would be at this time living at 81 Chambord Drive in Newark, Delaware. God made a perfect plan before He created planet Earth that would have at this time a lot of bad guys killed in Iraqi. God made a perfect plan before He created planet Earth that would have at this time your dad and ma having two great kids. Your grandpaa thinks now that each new day is more intriguing and fascinating than any day before it. 500 years before God the Son – Jesus, came to planet Earth as an incarnate guy, a prophet by the name of Zechariah was one of God’s spokesmen to His specially chosen guys and gals – the Israelite people group’s guys and gals, who were by this time living in the land of Babylonia – which is today Iraq. God was punishing His specially chosen guys and gals because of their vile, abhorrent disobedience to Him by displacing them in a foreign land. God used Zechariah to pass on a message to His specially chosen guys and gals to remind them that they will always be special to Him and that . . .

How special do you think God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids – the Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids, who are now living in Israel are to God? The focal point of planet Earth’s end time is going to center in the city of Jerusalem around the guys – the Israelite people group’s guys, who God specially chose for Himself before He created planet Earth. God had Zechariah – in Zechariah 14, pass on a forewarning of what is going to take place one day in the city of Jerusalem. God’s plan for what is going to take place in the city of Jerusalem – may be going to happen a whole lot sooner than down the road a ways, will involve God the Son – Jesus, returning to planet Earth to rule over planet Earth as LORD. Per God – through Zechariah, there is going to be over the city of Jerusalem a devastating war that will involve a coalition of nations from around planet Earth who will defeat Israel’s army that will be in the city of Jerusalem. After half of the guys and gals who will be living in the city of Jerusalem are taken away leaving the rest of the guys and gals who will be living at this time in the city of Jerusalem to stay living there, God the Son – Jesus – as LORD will suddenly appear on planet Earth to fight against the nations who had fought against and captured the city of Jerusalem. Everything is going to change when God the Son – Jesus – as LORD appears on planet Earth to . . . per God the Spirit – through what He had Zechariah tell God’s specially chosen guys and gals that God the Son – Jesus – as LORD will stand on the top of Mount of Olives to do on planet Earth what He is going to do. When God the Son – Jesus – as LORD stands on the top of Mount of Olives, this rock uplift will split in half – east to west, forming a great valley between where the rock uplift splits. When this happens, this is going to especially scare the guys who had fought against God’s specially chosen guys in the city of Jerusalem. The guys who fought against God’s specially chosen guys in the city of Jerusalem will have their flesh rot away. God in verse 9 had Zechariah write how planet Earth will be like when God the Son – Jesus – as LORD is ruling over it, “The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.”

Zechariah 14 (361)